
Coffee taste? It’s also in the processing

Many coffee lovers believe that the difference in the taste, acidity and body of a cup of coffee depends on whether the beans are Arabica or Robusta, but true coffee connoisseurs know there’s more than one reason. 

For them, the difference is whether they are natural or wet-washed.

 The method used to separate the pulp from the seeds at the plantation makes a significant difference to the final coffee experience.

With the natural method, the coffee fruit is left to dry evenly in the sun, after which the dried pulp is “peeled off” to obtain the clean coffee bean.

With the “wet” or “washed” method, the beans are placed in tanks of water where they remain for about three days. This step enhances the acidity and aromas of coffee, which is then re-washed and dried in the sun with a natural method.

In short, “washed” coffees are more acidic, while “natural” coffees have greater body.

Bean variety & origin

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Each bean conceals the love of its roaster