Your ideal coffee is: Toasted and intense!
Your favourite coffees are the Canephora species and some Arabica with a dark roasting colour, with a very intense cup profile, with mainly dark bakery, cocoa and spicy aromas, high bitterness, high and rough body.

Your ideal cup sensory profile is expressed through hot drinks. Enjoy the strong flavour and aftertaste simply by drinking the espresso or ristretto recipe: as used in the south of Europe, enjoy your espresso by adding a spoon of white sugar, Give to your milk-based drink an intense hint of coffee flavour.
In winter time enjoy your coffee with milk-based drinks such as cappuccino, flat white and caffe latte adding chocolate, vanilla, anise powders. In the summer, enjoy your coffee based banana milk shake by adding a double shot espresso, with a spoon of dark sugar or honey. If you prefer, add dark chocolate flakes and clove powder.