Apple Strudel Flavoured Coffee

This delicously warm treat with apple purée and cinamon is perfect for those days when you want to relax and unwind.

hot Full cream


  • Coffee beans – blend of 50% Arabica and 50% Robusta
  • 50 ml – full cream milk at fridge temperature
  • 30 ml – sour cream
  • 15 ml – apple purée
  • 3 g – cinnamon
  • 4 g – cardamom powder
  • 5 ml – date syrup
  • 15 g – brown sugar

Step 1

First, pour the sour cream, apple purée, cardamom, cinnamon, date syrup and brown sugar into a bowl and mix into a creamy texture.

Step 2

Then, place the glass under the spout. Prepare an Espresso.

Step 3

Then spoon the sour cream mixture carefully into the coffee.

Step 4

Place the glass under the spout. Finally, prepare a small-length hot milk with a medium level of foam.

Step 5

Complete with cinnamon powder on top.

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COLD Alcohol